jeudi 27 décembre 2012


En cette période de voeux, je m'empresse de reprendre la bonne nouvelle du jour, un message reçu ce matin, qui nous remplit d'espoir pour les décennies à venir: la naissance d'une nouvelle revue scientifique:

Lovotics: Academic Studies of Love and Friendship with Robots

Si l'émetteur du message est belge, notons que nous ne sommes pas le premier Avril.

Et voici l'intégralité de sa ligne éditoriale:

D'ou j'extrais pour une lecture rapide:

  •  . Evaluation and measurement of love
  • . Philosophical ramifications of love between humans and robots
  • . Tangible Interfaces for transferring affection

(Où l'on voit que les techniques digitales ont encore un grand avenir)

Lovotics, Academic Studies of Love and Friendship with Robots
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Adrian David Cheok, Japan
Dear Colleague,
I am writing to invite you to submit an article to the journal "Lovotics: Academic Studies of Love and Friendship with Robots," which is is an open-access peer-reviewed, and fully refereed journal that aims to cover a broad spectrum of topics related to the latest technologies, new research results and developments in the area of lovotics on all levels including theory, methodology, design, implementation and application.
Topics of interest for the scientific papers and letters include but are not limited to:

. Human-robot relationship
. Affective and cognitive sciences for interactive robots
. Context awareness, expectation and intention understanding
. Design methodologies and aesthetics of designing interactive robots
. Bio-mechatronics, neuro-robotics, and neurological aspect of Lovotics-based emotions
. Artificial emotions and emotion synthesis
. Scientific aspects of love
. Affective computing and emotional intelligence
. Human factors and ergonomics in human-robot interactions
. Intelligent control and artificial intelligence for robotics
. Knowledge representation, information acquisition, and decision making
. Learning, adaptation and evolution of affection and intelligence
. Interaction and collaboration between robots, humans and environments
. Multimodal perception and communication within Lovotics robots
. Ethics of Lovotics
. Social acceptance and impact in the society
. Cultural implications of human-to-robot love and robot co-relations
. Compliance, safety and compatibility in the design of social robots "living" with humans
. Considerations of security, safety and compatibility regarding human-robot co-inhabitants
. Software architecture and development tools for Lovotics
. Human-robot interaction and robot-robot interaction
. Models of human and animal social behavior as applied to robots
. Evaluation and measurement of love
. Philosophical ramifications of love between humans and robots
. Methodologies of verbal and kinetic reaction systems
. Tangible Interfaces for transferring affection
. Embodiment: How robotic affection can be transferred through technological mediation.
. Invoking human emotions from non-human partners
. Behavioral studies of human and robot behaviors

The journal has a distinguished editorial board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage. A current list of the journal's editors can be found at
Manuscripts can be submitted online at If you have not already an account, then create one by clicking on the "Register" link. You then will be able to submit your manuscript in an electronic form (.PDF). Manuscripts submitted in response to this initial invitation will be published FREE, i.e., without any article processing charges. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will undergo language copyediting, typesetting, and reference validation in order to provide the highest publication quality possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the journal.
Best regards,
John Costa
Ashdin Publishing
2E, rue de la Vallee
7387 Roisin, Honnelles

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